Thursday, October 13, 2005

It's nearly the weekend

How fast has this week gone? It's Friday tomorrow already.

I have been really good all week, i've been on the treadmill EVERY morning for 30 minutes and it's getting easier every day. I'm very proud of myself cos normally by now I would have found an excuse not to do it, and believe me i've had plenty of reasons I could have used, but i've forced myself to do it. Only thing is, now i'm thinking I should still do it on Saturday and Sunday cos if I break my momentum will I then start to make excuses next week?

Have also been really good with my food, until this afternoon. The scales have been going up every day and it's gotten to me. I have my personal challenge weigh in tomorrow morning and i'm going to have a gain - for sure - which shits me to tears, i'm cranky cos i've been really really really good, even bloody well exercising - and no results, in fact negative results - well positive but you know what I mean, right? I know that I need to keep it up, I can hear you all now "don't give up Briony, your body will catch up, you're doing really well" i've heard them all, i've written them all, but when its yourself - it really affects you.

Anyway I haven't been that bad, just had a chicken sandwich which I hadn't planned for so I won't have anything else til dinner (salad) and hopefully if I eat early enough it will be gone by the time I weigh myself in the morning. I sure hope so anyway! This is too depressing.....


1 comment:

jak said...

It is so much easier to say the words than to apply them to ourselves... But we say them because they're true, and deep down you know they're true no matter how hard it is to make yourself listen to them when you feel frustrated about having a gain. It isn't all about that number on the scale. You are exercising and eating well and getting fitter and healthier every day. You are losing fat, and your body WILL catch up with reflecting your efforts on the scales. I know you already know all that, but I felt the need to say it all again anyway.