Monday, August 01, 2005

D day

Or weigh in day number one. I'm scared you-know-what-less. Hopefully i've lost this week but if not, then at least its the start of the GTG Challenge and i've got maximum starting power.

Will post later, after WW, with my "results".

Have a great day everyone.


1 comment:

Kellee said...

Hey there stranger. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with what you're up to - I have caught up now, and those pregnant comments made me so cross! I can go over and sort those people out - if you know what I mean. I've been dying to show people my muscles from the gym and those rude people would be just the ones to test them out on! I don't think you look pregnant at all - you look absolutely fabulous, and I know you'll just look even more fab as the weight comes off. Good on you with the pedometer - I know it will motivate you even more. I'm glad we're doing this GTG Challenge together, as it will make us get off our bums and do something! Good luck at weigh in tonight - sms me your results, because I won't be able to check the email for a couple of days.

Hooray for the sit ups too!!! That damned baby belly - they're cute boys, but they will NEVER have any idea what kind of havoc they wreaked on our bodies! Just a word of warning though... when I gave birth to the wonderful Charles, the muscles in my stomach separated, so, for me, sit ups are the WORST things I can do. If you don't have the same problem then go for it, but if you do you should probably see a physio first.
Anyway, here ends the epic post! Hope you're well love.