Monday, August 15, 2005

Pass the Gastrolyte !!

I am really sick today, I have the "poo and spew" thing that's going around. Can't go to work. I hope the baby doesn't get it. Yikes.....

I did end up going to the shops yesterday. It was awful but I forced myself to do it and I survived (obviously). I bought DS some shoes ($65!!!) and I spent an absolute fortune at Pumpkin Patch - damn their sales!! haha

Got some really cute stuff for my sister's baby, a little girl born last Monday. We're hopefully going to Canberra this weekend to meet the new baby. Hope it doesn't make me clucky! Although i'm sure DH would be happy cos at least then he would be getting some "action"! LOL.

Hope everyone's day is going better than mine.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your lovely comments over the last few days, it certainly helps to know that we have support out there in blog land, and everyone's comments are really helping to keep me motivated - thank you!!

Ciao for now,


michelle said...

Oh Bri, you poor thing. Hope it only lasts part of the day and Lachlan doesn't get it. I am so proud of you for going shopping! You faced your fear and didn't let it win. Take care of yourself today sweetie.

Kellee said...

Hey there... sorry to hear that you're sick! I really hope Lchlan doesn't get it... it's not fun looking after a bub when you're crook.

I can't say I have any experience of the phobia you talked about, but it seems like you did the right thing by getting out of the house. Westfield complexes are enough to make anyone feel that way, and if you have issues with being out to begin with I imagine it wouldn't be much fun. I hope that you find a way to deal with it that best suits you.

Big hugs to you... and chin up! (Excellent work with the walking, by the way... you'll be walking to Brisbane next! Come on!)

Kellee said...

Of course, I meant to type LACHLAN, but I'm stupid.