Friday, August 12, 2005

Yay, at last, at last

Hopped on the scales this morning and I was quite surprised to see a loss (77.1). That's the lightest i've been in a couple of months so obviously my hard work this week is paying off! (Eating properly, walking twice everyday).

Thank goodness cos if I had kept going the way I was going I think I would have given up soon.
Let's hope it shows on the WW scales on Monday night! Fingers crossed.

Quite busy at work today so that's all I have time to report as I want to try and catch up on a couple of other blogs that I haven't read in a while. Also it's much easier to read and eat than it is to type and eat! haha

Wish me luck for good eating and lots of walking at the weekend (weekends are the hardest!).

Lots of love and hugs to everyone!


Margaret said...

Good luck for the weekend Bri. You can do it. Just take it one hour at a time and you will get there. You have been doing so well. Good on you. Hope you have a great weekend :)

Mary said...

This is exciting :-) Good luck with the weekend. I know you can eat well and still enjoy it!

Mary said...

Thanks for the comments you made also. They perk me up and I've needed it this week. A huge thanks!