Monday, August 01, 2005

He's cracked it .....

How funny is this photo, i'm using it as my new avatar on Ozgeek. Hee hee. It makes me laugh (am I a horrible mother).

We call this the "Sponge Bob Square Mouth" look.

At least it's cheered me up for the evening. Not sure how impressed DS would be if he knew i'd put a photo of him blowing up on the internet! haha

Have a great day tomorrow everyone. I know I will be - I have a "step" total to beat.



michelle said...

That is so cute. My daughter idolises Sponge Bob, has his movies and toys and brings him into the conversation all the time. Now tell me did he get that look from you when you weigh in and don't like the results?? Nah I'm sure you didn't pull a face. Be good and tomorrow will be better.
Oh Ebony just came in and I showed her Lachlans photo. Her comment, (very seriously) "thats not funny." Sponge Bob is taken very seriously by her. We are not allowed to insult Spongy.

Kellee said...

That is so funny. Kids crack me up. Sometimes, when Charlie is not happy, I can't help but laugh because he looks so funny... is that wrong, cruel and unusual? I think you have to find humour in every situation, especially with kids, or you'd go nuts.

Don't worry about the gain. You know it will come off next week. We still love ya.

Margaret said...

Love the photo. I have plenty to keep aside for the 21st invites. One that looks like this actually, but sitting on the toilet. Beautiful :)