Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday already

Doesn't Sunday come around fast?

Well, i've had a re-think about the walking thing and i've decided that I need one day a week where I can just relax and Sunday is going to be it. Working full time and looking after a baby is full on, as i'm sure most of you know. So i'm not going to worry about doing my 10,000 steps on a Sunday, i'll just do incidental exercise. As long as I do my two walks on weekdays and make sure I get 10,000 on a Saturday i'm sure that will be enough for now, especially considering not that long ago I was doing absolutely nothing, AND stuffing my face!

I'm going to try to go shopping today so i'll probably rack up a few thousand steps doing that anyway. DS needs some shoes now that he's walking full time and I want to buy him one of those chalk/magnetic boards. I just have to get up the courage to go to the shopping centre on my own (I hate shopping centres, especially the carparks!) and I have to go to Myer cos I want DS to have good shoes, and Myer is over at Charlestown, it's the busiest shopping centre in the Newcastle area. The parking over there is crap and I absolutely don't want to scratch my new work car, so i'm a bit scared!

Or maybe i'm just being a whimp, I have a bit of a phobia about going out on my own, but that's a whole other blog!! haha

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, the weather is certainly getting better.

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

Mary said...

Too fast!! So I hope you enjoyed it :-) I agree with having 1 or 2 days off from planned exercise. It's important to let your muscles rest at some point. And I think shopping malls create phobias. With all the hardcore marketing, smells, wonder we all get a bit phobic about it. I know I do and will only go with someone as well. It's a lot of stimulation to sift through and dispose of.