Monday, August 15, 2005

Yay for me

Woo hoo, I lost 1.2 this week. That's the lowest weight i've been this year and it's officially 10 kg lost since I started Weight Watchers on 10 January 2005 (total of 15.1 lost since 1 January 2005).

I'm stoked .........

77.9 kg.

Yay for me.....



Margaret said...

Whoooo Hoooooo. Yaaa for your loss. That is fantastic (I am a bit late to catch up on blogs but have read all the posts below - naughty brownies LOL)

All your hard work is just building up and came through today. You are doing so well. And I am thinking about getting the book you are reading too. I was so impressed with the one I read that I think it would be good to get another.

Hope you have a fabulous week ahead. Have to go read the rest of the posts above :)

Mary said...

Well done Bri!! WOO HOO :-) And I am so sorry for only reading this now but I'll try keep up next week. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!