I'm having a 2 point WW frozen meal for lunch to make up for maybe eating the Kit-kat later (hopefully not). I've been eating crap for the last week and I wasn't going to go to WW tonight as I feel very guilty (especially after TWO Nights out this week which consisted of LOADS of alcohol - has anyone tried Strawberry Sass?, Wedges, Steaks, Baileys, Champagne, CSC's, and other assorted alcoholic beverages - my goodness - it's a wonder I didn't explode!!), but I think i'll go as I need to be held accountable. Well, I know i'm accountable to you lot and some of you are a bit scarey (Hi Kellee!! Just kidding - ha ha ha) but I think if I weigh in it will make me do something about it. Plus I didn't go last week cos Bug-a-lugs was sick.
Another problem i'm having is that I promised one of the Ozgeek girls that I wouldn't weigh myself every day and I haven't but it means I can't keep a track on how i'm going, so I don't think it's helping me at all and i'm going to go back to weighing myself cos then I know if i'm on track and I can say "good girl Briony, we're doing really well, look at that a loss of 0.2 today or whatever".
And yes I know that if I was eating properly and exercising I shouldn't need to get on the scales.
So, it's time to regroup and here's what i've done about it:
I made a shopping list for all the ingredients from the WW Week One book and i'm going to stick to it.
and here's my pledge to you (please hold me accountable):
I, Briony Helen Price, promise to stick to Weight Watchers Week One recipes this week and I will NOT have any Peanut Butter Kit-Kats or any other chocolate.
If I feel like chocolate I will have a Jarrah Choc-Toff drink (?1 point) and if that doesn't work I will distract myself by doing some housework, folding some clean clothes, reading the new Harry Potter book or playing with the baby.
I will remind myself everyday that I am worth fighting for and that the long term feeling of being slimmer and healthier will be a much better feeling than the five minute high received from eating chocolate, drinking alcohol or eating anything else "bad" (especially when I have hours of guilt afterwards anyway).
and ..... I will try not to smoke instead of eating .....
Wish me luck.
Great pledge Briony. Hope you get back on track starting now. Don't get upset at weigh in and don't eat that Kit Kat!! I've been missing your emails. Really need to here from you at the moment. We are going to lose that 20kg!!!!!
Great pledge Bri. You are worth it and you can so do it. Just take it one day at a time. Sometimes I think looking at the big picture can seem so daunting and when I started I know that I thought that I would never be able to lose 27kgs. But then I just thought about getting through each day and slowly but surely it will come off.
You are worth it. You are worth it. You are worth it. :)
I am not scary! Well, maybe a little bit...
Good pledge. If you smoke I will come down there and hit you myself. And you certainly are worth fighting for. Go Bri!
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