Thursday, August 04, 2005

Food 'what I ate' today - 4/8/05


2 toast - 3 pts
cottage cheese - 1 pt
coffee - 0 pts

= 4 pts


WW Chicken risotto - 5 pts
Steam fresh vegies - 0 pts
Pepsi Max - 0 pts

Daily total: 9 points

Walked to get the mail (15 minutes)
Steps so far: 3204


michelle said...

Good work Bri. Walk to the mall as well, well done. Is the WW risotto nice?? I likethe chicken and the beef hotpot.

Kellee said...

Good girl. I have been thinking of writing my trackings (that I haven't started yet) in my blog, so I will do the same as you. Maybe it will help me be accountable too... thank God for you and Michelle, or I would be stuffed! We can do it!