Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Really good and really bad

A few of my blogger pals have one of two things happening in their lives at the moment, really really good stuff or really really bad stuff. Seems like only extremes are valid this week.

I know I was complaining last week about the baby being sick and how I was tired from being awake with him all night every night and then going to work all day, but that is nothing compared to what some of my beautiful friends are going through at the moment.

Just know that my thoughts are with you all and I feel for you. You are all being so brave and strong and I am very proud of you all and I know you will make it through these tough times albeit a little sad, but if you remember the good times you will keep the memories alive.

On the other hand, Kellee - who will from this day forward be known as "LEGEND SUPERSTAR KELLEE" has got herself a fantastic gig in Queensland playing with Wendy Matthews and Glenn Shorrock. How bloody cool is THAT? Congratulations Kellee, I am sure it will go really really well for you.

I know that you will miss Charlie, but he'll be fine and you'll appreciate him so much more when you get home. Tom and your Mum will take very good care of him. After all - your Mum took very good care of you! haha

Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings. Just wanted to say a few short words and now that that's out of the way I will confess to eating the Peanut Butter Kit Kat last night, but I promise you that I have been on track today and I even went for a quick walk this morning.

I am determined to have a loss this week. Oh, I also didn't go to the meeting.

I figure no-one reads down this far in blogs so i'm cool, no-one will find out (**evil cackle**).



Margaret said...

I read that far - each time LOL. So you have been busted... It is so cool about Kellee. I am basking in the glow of actually not knowing someone famous. I am sure I can use that somewhere..

And don't think having a sick child is nothing compared to others troubles Bri. Other people may have problems but yours are not worth any less, or cause you any less problems. They are still so important. And so are you.

Thank you for your lovely comments and kindness and caring :)

michelle said...

Briony...really busted!!!!!! OK but now promise yourself that you will go and weigh in next week. You have valid reasons for going off track. A sick baby is very hard to cope with because it is so scary and you feel so helpless. And not sleeping makes all your defenses come down and hence the kit kat broke through. But now you have picked yourself up just rebuild those fences. Thanks for the lovely messages. Be good to yourelf today and I will too...

Kellee said...

Thrice busted! Although, I don't blame you - I was shopping yesterday and heard them calling my name as I went past the confectionary aisle... mmm. I didn't give in, though, and I'm not going to let you do it anymore!

Don't worry about what's happened in the last few days with your eating (yes, you certainly did have valid reasons)- just do what you can from now on to eat healthily. Otherwise I'll have to bring out my friend, scary Kellee, who is not nearly as nice as "Legend Superstar Kellee". (Thanks for you comments, by the way)

Come on, dude, you can do it? Do I have to write you another cheer? Maybe I could get Wendy Matthews to sing it for you - that would be some motivation! I WILL be checking up on you when I go awya, so don't slacken off! Silly girl. :)

Mary said...

BUSTED! I read everything and you deserve a spanking! Those Peanut Butter Kit Kats are evil and how may I ask, did it get in your mouth...again!? LOL :-)

Me said...

Busted again !!!! I have read this far - you realy seem to be battling with getting your head into the right space for losing weight. Try to take it one meal at a time and work from there. Think about what you REALLY want - that PB kit-kat or to get to 75kg and then decide whether to eat it or not - and if you do - don't feel guilty because that just spoils the whole expereince !
Take care and be good !