Thursday, September 29, 2005

Where's the positive in all of this?

I have just come home from the doctor's. We couldn't get in to our normal doctor until next Wednesday so we had to go to one of those "we don't take bookings you just have to wait your turn" places. The staff are all major cows and were absolutely horrible to everyone they spoke to today (DH says they're always like that!).

Holy shamoly - what a shit fight. We got there at 7.45am - they don't start til 8am - and there were already a dozen people there.

We finally got in to see the doctor at 9.30am. Jason had already left to go to work as he couldn't wait any longer. I forgot to take Lachie's dummy (which keeps him very quiet for just such occasions) so I had to try and entertain him for the whole time. I'm not really a dummy fan, he has it when he goes to bed and that's it, unless of course he's sick and needs the comfort of sucking. I just don't want him to have it too often as there's nothing worse than a 3 year old child talking with a dummy in their mouth 24/7.

Anyway, Lachie has really bad conjunctivitis - it's dreadful. At least now we have the proper drops from the chemist and hopefully they'll start working quickly. The doctor said there will be a major improvement within 24 hours. I haven't been able to use them yet as Lachie fell asleep on the way home in the car and stayed asleep when I took him out of the car so I put him in his cot. Poor little lamb. His eyes are soooo red and oozey - sorry for anyone who's not a mother and just had their stomach turn! haha

We went to the chemist straight after the doctor's and as Lachie was already in the stroller we walked (it wasn't far so save your applause!!). On the way we walked past a shop which sold burgers, schnitzel sambos and stuff and it smelt UNREAL. I was really tempted to stop and buy something, but I didn't.

I'm going to try and do an exercise DVD when Lachie has his afternoon nap so that at least i've done something, cos I haven't exercised at all this week.

Anyway, I was wondering where is the positive in all of this?

Lately i've been feeling a bit guilty about working full-time and leaving Lachie with the day care people, so maybe the positive is that I now get to spend the next 5 days with him, just him and me.

DH is going on a buck's weekend this weekend and will be gone from tomorrow morning until Sunday afternoon and as you all probably know already I don't have any family to help out so it will just be Lachie and I for the whole five days together. I guess the positive is that I can have him to myself, nurture him and help him get better and we can spend some quality mother and son time til Daddy gets home on Sunday.

I'm going to take full advantage of every minute and enjoy lots of cuddles and (hopefully once his eyes get better) games and laughter!

Thanks to everyone who has left such nice messages on my blog, I don't know what i'd do without you lot, you lift me up when i'm feeling down and I thank you all for that.



Mary said...

I'm so glad to hear you were still able to see a doctor today, no matter how shitty the experience. Your boy will now be on the mend and you can spend some good time with him. That sounds pretty unreal :-) I don't have kids but I can imagine how hard it must be for you. Be good to yourself!

Margaret said...

What a great post. As down and cranky as you are (and boy have I been in one of those clinics) you have reached inside yourself and pulled out a pretty amazing positive. The funny thing sometimes is when you are one on one with a child it seems so much easier than when there is another adult there. When they sleep, you can do whatever you like instead of dealing with another adult. I don't like to do it too often, but every now and again is really cool.

Have a great weekend and hope those drops kick in really soon :)