Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I hate Pods

Well I don't..... I wish I did..... there's a box in the cupboard, I haven't touched them. They are hidden behind the baby food but I know they're there. They are my favourite, the Snickers ones.

and they're calling my name .............

Why do the stupid confectionary companies make them in the first place? They should be banned.

I didn't worry about getting DH to take them to work or anything cos I didn't know I was going to have to come home with a sick baby. He's sleeping right now.

Maybe if he projectile vomits on me like he did last night (twice) it will take my mind off the Pods..............

Just kidding, I'd rather eat them all than have him be sick again. It really scared him.

Poor little lambykins.



Mary said...

Aww, I hope he's better now. I never got into the Pods, lucky because bikky things are my downfall. Just keep them out of the house babe.

Me said...

Hope your baby is feeling better soon - there is nothing like a sick child to make you run for the comfort food !!!
You will be amazed at how much you can type with only one hand when the other is busy shovelling food into your mouth !!!!!
Good for you on resisting the Pods - I don't but them because after the first box, I knew I wouldn't be able to have a couple and stop.
Take care and have a great day !

Margaret said...

Jonny said it beautifully - Pods are evil. Much easier keeping them out of the house. Especially when the little ones are sick. I do hope he starts feeling better soon. Nothing worse than the hot projectile vomit.

Try and get some sleep - and throw out those Pods.. :)

Margaret said...
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