Saturday, September 03, 2005

Too tired

I have lost all motivation today, I thought I had it back, but it's gone. I have to apologise to everyone who had faith in me, I think i'm a lost cause.

Sorry ..................



Kellee said...

NO NO NO! No you are NOT a lost cause. If you're feeling like crap, have a snack... I just had the yummiest snack - a piece of bread with some extra light cream cheese, a banana and a tiny bit of maple syrup. Now I feel very good. I want you to feel very good too! Why do you feel bad? You poor thing. I haven't given up on you.

Mary said...

You're not a lost cause at all Bri. We all have our up and down days and this is just one of yours. Don't give up, just take it easy for a while. We'll be keeping an eye on you matey :-)

michelle said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOO You are not and never will be a lost cause. And just who are you apologising to? The only person you are letting down is yourself. Just remember as quick as you lost your motivation you can find it. I have sent email to your work if you can log in from home. Briony don't give up on yourself just because you are TEMPORARILY giving up on your diet. You are a very special person with a big heart and you have just lost your way for a little while. Be good to yourself sweetie.

Margaret said...

You are not a lost cause. You may be a lost soul at the moment, but a lost cause - NEVER...