Friday, September 30, 2005

Go figure

I've had a bad week food wise, and haven't exercised at all. I was a bit worried about my Personal Challenge weigh in this morning. Then I forgot to weigh myself - WHAT THE?????

Who am I and what has happened to Briony?

Anyway, by the time i'd remembered that I should have weighed myself i'd already had breakfast, a cup of tea and half a litre of water and it's TTOTM so ..... I prepared myself for the worst.

76.8 - exactly the same as last week AND if i'd remembered to weight myself first thing I would have been lighter.

I'll just have to work extra hard this week to compensate for the crap i've eaten in the last couple of days. D'oh!

Happy Friday everyone.



Me said...

WOW - that has to count for something ! All that to eat and drink and you still stayed the same - well done !
HAve a great weekend and take care.

Mary said...

Great, you've maintained! I hope you have a nice weekend :-)

michelle said...

Geee Bri, some friend I am. I haven't read your blog, or anyones all week. Glad we caught up yesterday. Weight staying the same is pretty good. You would have really lost! Hope Lachie is a lot better today and you are enjoying each other. Lots of hugs. remember Mon we will be motivated again. DEAL!!!