Friday, September 30, 2005

I got bitten.....

I got bitten by the shopping bug too, BUT here's the twist. I didn't buy ANYTHING for myself! What the?

My body has obviously been taken over by aliens - didn't weigh myself this morning and spent money on everyone but me..... ha ha ha.

I just went to get a new pedometer but then I thought I would call in at Target and have a look - it's not often I get out of the house by myself.

Came home with a new shirt and tie for DH to wear to the races tomorrow, a new set of cot sheets and a matching towel set and blanket for DS, 8 new t-shirts for DS, four new pillows for our bed and a cute outfit and cot sheets for a friend of DH's who just had a baby, oh and the groceries but who cares about groceries right?

I really need a pair of 3/4 denim pants but didn't even think about buying anything for me, I didn't even look at SHOES or make-up or anything! What the ?????

Oh well, I spent enough (about $500 today! Yikes).

So now that i've just re-read that, i've realised i'm an idiot. I did get something - the pedometer. Now I can start my "virtual" walk on the Walking with Attitude site, if I can work it out!! haha

DS is much better today, thanks everyone for your well wishes. His eyes have cleared up and he's back to his cheeky mischievious self!! He's just so damned cute, we're going to have a great weekend together, just the two of us!


1 comment:

Mary said...

Alright, I have a new challenge for you. STOP CALLING YOURSELF AN IDIOT! You really have to stop calling yourself negative things even if it is a little jokey. You're not an idiot and I think you're a really cool person but please, be kind to yourself. You deserve it and you deserve to buy little rewards for yourself too. I hope you are having a good weekend :-)