Monday, July 18, 2005


I put on 100 gms, WTF? I've been really good this week, except for that goddamned Beavertail, surely ONE thing couldn't make me gain 100g and not have a lose??? Bugger, damn, hell and shit.

The only explanation I can find, is the love that i've found (oops sorry, sidetracked)....
TTOTM. and that's all i'm saying.



michelle said...

Whats 100grams. You can lose that tonight. And yes I am ready for you to kick me up the butt if I dare to get off track. Hopefully that BUTT will get smaller and the other BUT's will get fewer ( my excuses)

Kellee said...

It's ok! You know that it has to happen sometimes - our bodies are enigmas and sometimes we just can't work them out. I'm a bit the same today. Damn TTOTM. That is a perfectly good explanation for a gain. Wait until you see how much you lose next week if you keep up your good habits!

Kellee said...

Hello? Where are you?
