Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ah blissful Sunday, how I love thee.....

Sundays are unreal, DH doesn't start til 10am on Sunday so we get a bit of a sleep in, albeit with the small one inbetween us, much to DH's disgust!! haha

I actually got up at 6am cos DH and DS were snoring and I couldn't sleep, but I had a couple of hours worth of sorting out paperwork and i'm sooooo proud of myself cos I got it all sorted out. It was actually nice just to have a couple of hours to myself.

DH washed the car, which I was going to do (Thanks) but in return I did the dishes for him.

DS has eaten heaps today, I was starting to get worried about him cos he's been off his food but it looks like he's come good, so no more stressing about that.

We're going for a walk up to my brother's house today. He has 3 kids so DS and the kids can have some "cousin" time this afternoon. I have to go and buy a new DVD player cos ours just stopped working about a week ago, and I was thinking about getting a baby swing to put on the swing set for DS, I reckon he would love it. I'm sure my little brother wouldn't mind one more child to mind for an hour or so! haha

Anyway, best go and get started. Have a great day everyone.

By the way Margaret and Michelle, thanks for the advice about sit ups, i'll be starting them in about 5 minutes. I'll only be able to do about 5 to start with if i'm lucky - haha - i'm SO unfit. I'll let you know how I go!

lots of love, and thanks for all the hugs everyone!!

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