Friday, July 22, 2005

Oh boy what a week

I don't think i've EVER been so busy as I have this week. There used to be four girls in the office, but two of them resigned in the last week and so there's only two of us left in the office and the other girl has only been there 3 weeks! Thankfully she's more than competant and we're coping, but damn it's been busy.
So, i've been going ok with my eating considering the pressure i'm under. But no exercise yet. We're going shopping tomorrow so i'll get some walking in, probably a couple of hours worth, and I want to weed the garden tomorrow too so that's more exercise.
Tonight my step-daughter is here to visit so her and DH are having pizza but I brought home the WW meal I didn't eat at work so i'll have that.
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog, i've been reading your blogs and keeping up with you, just haven't had time to reply or write in mine.
Hopefully i'll have some time tomorrow to write entries, but I did bring home a heap of reports to type..........ho hum ............
Have a great weekend everyone!


Kellee said...

Oh my goodness! It all sounds a bit much to me. I hope you coped ok. Just try to enjoy your weekend - you'll probably have some more stress next week by the sounds of it! Good on you for eating WW meal instead of pizza - I don't think I could resist at the moment!

Hope you're well.

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Keep up the good work
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