Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hump day

Well it's hump day and i've been good so far, I know it's only a couple of days, but hey it's better than my form over the last couple of months.

Got my pilates DVD delivered this morning (plus four full seasons of the Simpsons DVD box sets!!) so i'm keen to give the pilates a go, but not tonight as i'm actually going to band practice for the first time in about two months.

Maybe tomorrow night before "Lost" or more likely not til the weekend I guess.
Anyhoo, i'll keep you posted about that!

Have a great day everyone (or "no-one" if this isn't being read!! hahahahaha).


1 comment:

Kellee said...

Hey - well done on the loss! That's awesome work. Hope you like the pilates - I did heaps of yoga when I first started my journey and I loved it. You'll probably enjoy the "me" time. If there's a meditation at the end I recommend that you try it. BTW - Michelle and I had a lovely time. I will write about it in my blog when I next get a chance to.