Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm not kidding either!!

I know you won't believe me, but since I starting eating properly again, i've been having fruit! Yep, this is Briony's blog - don't check the title and think you're on the wrong page!! Yesterday I ate an apple - "OMG" I hear you say - "who are you and what have you done with Bri" haha - no really, I did!!

I feel great, after only three days of being good. I only managed one walk yesterday, we're so busy at work it's not funny (I really should be working now so this will only be a short post and i'll have to catch up with your blogs later tonight).

I've been for one walk this morning and I found my pedometer so that's a good help. I am hoping to go for another walk after lunch. Especially since it's so much cooler today.

I'll post more tonight, hope everyone is well and happy to be getting back into the routine of normal christmas-less life! I sure am.

Ciao for now,



Kellee said...

Hey hey! Good on you for getting back into it. And good on you for eating fruit. I know that's a challenge for you. It will do you the world of good. Good on you for having a few gigs coming up too. I'm sure you'll be a legend.

missmegan1974 said...

Gee, it feels great to be in control doesn't and 2 walks in one day good on you Briony. :) Megan

laura said...

Good for you Bri, first ditching all the tempting food, and now eating fruit...which i think is absolutly yummy as well...go you! keep it up!!!

michelle said...

Love that you are beating your phobia about fruit. As you know I usually forget to eat it but SNAP have had 2 pieces each day this week. You are sending me the vibes without you even knowing it.

Kathryn said...

I love fruit so much. I couldn't survive without it. I dunno how you can't eat it. I bet you're loving the weather not being so hot :)

Tina said...

well I had no idea you had a phobia about fruit (didn't go that far back in your but YAY for you! I love fruit...especially grapes when they're 99 cents a kilo...LOL

Mary said...

LOL good going Bri, yum!

Sue said...

Good on you!