Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day.

Not much happening here today, it's still raining so i'll be spending today cleaning out cupboards in preparation for our move (yes I am going to be ruthless) and cleaning. Oh happy happy joy joy. What excitement. I remember in the "olden days" when I would be preparing to go to the pub for a BBQ lunch and getting tanked! Not any more. Does that mean i'm grown up now?

DH has to work today anyway so it's just me and DS. That will be nice.



Kathryn said...

Don't be too ruthless when cleaning up - I ended up throwing out a whole heap of stuff I needed when I last moved.

As for the mortgage - just remember you will be paying more in the short term but rents always go up while mortgage stay the same so eventually you'll come out ahead :)

michelle said...

HAve a happy day Bri. Good on you for getting stuck into those cupboards. How exciting. Glad it won't be hot for you there. Enjoy the time with Lachie and give him a kiss for me.

laura said...

oh...bring on the rain....its hot hot hot (yuk) I've gotta do that too....after catching up on blogs :P

Kellee said...

Rain please.

Think of all the points you'll use while you're cleaning. And I'm sure Lachie will love to help you empty out the cupboards - probably not into any particular order, but he'll be helpful.

Have a rad day.

Mary said...

Enjoy your Australia Day no matter what you are doing. I actually like cleaning stuff out when moving because you can find some treasures!

Tina said...

Hope you had a great day Bri...we spent the day at the beach...we're all looking a little pink and tired now!