Friday, January 20, 2006

My beautiful friend Michelle

In two and a half hours i'm picking Michelle up from the airport. I'm soooooo excited. We've been chatting by email, MSN, telephone and on Ozgeek for quite a while now (probably about 12 months) and we've gotten to know each other pretty well. Michelle is one of the bloggers I just clicked with, we had an instant friendship and even though we've never met in person, I would consider her one of my very best friends.

She even lent me that gorgeous purple dress I wore to two weddings last year!

She has been my rock when times have been difficult and she has celebrated with me when things have gone well. She is always there for me when I fall off the 'weight watching' wagon and she helps me get back on again with words of encouragement, wisdom and kindness. I owe her a lot. She is an all-weather friend.

I think we are both a little nervous about meeting each other in person. It's so easy to say stuff by email or even on the phone, but when the person is actually there, right in front of you, it's not quite that easy to open up.

I'm pretty much betting we won't stop talking the whole weekend though. I just hope it doesn't go too fast.

So, I probably won't be blogging much this weekend. We plan to go for a couple of big walks (hope I can keep up with her, those of you who know Michelle know that she's an exercise machine!!) - I'll probably be sore for a week!

We're going out for dinner tonight, not sure where yet. There are some new restaurants near the Harbour which are supposed to be nice, might try one of those. I don't think it will matter where we go, just that we get to spend some quality time together and get to know each other on a whole new level.

Have a great weekend everyone, I know I will. I'll be back on Sunday to post photos and tell you all about it.



Sue said...

You guys are just going to have the BEST weekend!

philippa_moore said...

How wonderful! You two will have the best time - one weekend won't be enough!

Me said...

I hope that the two of you have an absolutely fantastic weekend together - I am sure you will.
Take care and have a blast - Me

michelle said...

OK so here we are 4 hrs later. We have walked around a lake, 10000 steps and just had a yummy, healthy lunch. Thanks Bri for the wonderful things you said. I feel like I am at home with a very dear old (as in time of friendship not years)friend. We are going to have a blast for the rest of the weekend...although probably sore feet and worn out from all that chatting.