Saturday, January 14, 2006

Really pink hair - Really!!!!

I found a really cool photo on the net of a girl with pink hair, but I thought if I put it up here, some of you might think it was me. My hair isn't pink pink - like this chickie above, but it's pretty pink - not 'pretty pink' as in cutesy pink but 'pretty pink' as in damnwell pink!! LMAO.

I just hope it doesn't clash with the red dress and my red finger and toe nail polish! I guess we'll find out soon enough. Thankfully it will be pretty dark on stage so not many people will be able to make out what colour hair I have, except that it's NOT blonde. LOL

Some good news
We looked at another house yesterday afternoon and we're going to make an offer on it. It's all very scarey and stuff, but we have to do it. We finally found a house that we are both happy with. Unfortunately the agent is crap and a bit up himself. The other guy we had showing us the first few houses was really nice. Trust us to buy the house from the crap agent. Oh well, it's the house we're interested in, the agent won't be living with us!!

It needs a lot of work - carpet, painting, air cond and a whole mess of landscaping will be required, but it has everything else (even a second toilet !!). The yard is quite small but i'm happy with that. Big backyards are for people with dogs - or 6 kids and we don't need a huge backyard. I'm already envisaging what i'll do to landscape and what kind of outdoor setting I want to buy to smarten it up a bit. Think i'll ring Jamie Durey and invite him over for dinner, do you think he'd come?

Hmmm, maybe i'll just buy some magazines instead - or even better (and free) surf the net!!

Must go and get organised for the gig now. Hey - I have an old photo of the band - i'll post it here now. This is in about 2000 or 2001 - can't remember the exact year? It was the Bounty of the Sea festival at Forster/Tuncurry and we were supporting James Morrison - actually he played before us, so I guess he was OUR support band!! hahaha

I'm the fat chick in the short skirt and "FM" boots on the left (what the hell was I thinking). Actually when we finished and I walked over to the other side of the arena I remember someone calling out "here comes one of the band sluts". Nice eh?

OK the photo download thing won't bloody work so i'll send it via "Hello" and see how that goes. It will probably be a bigger version anyway.

Ciao for now, i'll check back in tomorrow with pictures of my "real" pink hair, the dress - soon to be Jodie's (Sydney) dress - and the details on the crowd!! Let's hope they bring their applauding hands as well as their drinking arms.

Wish me luck!!



Margaret said...

*drool* Jamie Durey *more drool*

Can I come over when you invite him. I promise I won't get in the way - much LOL

Can't wait to see a real photo of your purty pink hair. And congrats on the house. Hope you get it and the crap agent moves on.

Good luck with the gig. :D

Me said...

Oh no - it must the weekend for pink hair !!!! I thought I was getting red hair today - WRONG - it is pink !! Will be posting a photo sometime.
Hope the gig went well - looking forward to seeing who has the 'most pink hair' !!

laura said...

cant wait to see the pink hair...i can remeber back too..oh not that long house sounds good, hope all goes well...take care:)