Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Girls from work - before going to the Melbourne Cup Lunch

(L to R - Sarah, Charmaine, Me, Kat).
This photo is a little blurry - but then so were we by the end of the day - actually some blurrier than others! haha. We're all paying for it today and don't look anywhere near this fancy-shmancy - I don't think any of us even bothered putting makeup on today - too tired and hungover.

On a good note, I just remembered that when we were at lunch yesterday I won 2nd prize in the raffle, which was $500 worth of man's and ladies gold watches. Yay for me. I didn't win with any of my horses but i'm pretty chuffed at winning the watches. I'm not usually very lucky at raffles. I don't know what they look like yet as I have to organise to collect them. I'll keep you posted!



Margaret said...

Gorgeous photo. You all look very stylish. And whooo hooo on the watches. Now there's two christmas presents you won't need to buy LOL

Have a great day and hope that head of yours is feeling better :)

michelle said...

That raffle prize is going to be something go with your new necklace perhaps!!! You look gorgeous,,,love the shoes.

Mary said...

You guys look great and I'd love to be able to wear shoes like you!! My feet are spastic.