Friday, February 24, 2006

Short post - point form

  • Very busy today
  • No time for images
  • Came to work early
  • Have to leave early
  • Mother coming to babysit DS
  • Haven't cleaned the house
  • Have to curl my hair
  • AND make myself beautiful (takes a while)
  • Have to cook dinner for mother and mother's partner
  • Leaving work at 4pm
  • Have to pick up DS
  • Need to start packing
  • DH at home today doing "Jack"
  • Starting to panic
  • Gig tonight
  • 1 hour's drive away
  • Not getting paid
  • Not happy Jan
  • That is all til tomorrow
  • Have a good weekend everyone
  • Bri


laura said... form posts, no i've seen it all...i'm sure u will look gorgeous...have a wonderful gig

Mary said...

* gosh, so busy
* don't panic
* get DH to clean house
* good luck tonight
* enjoy tonight
* have a great weekend

Suzy said...

Help! Too busy!
Have fun tonight. Pity about no pay!

michelle said...

How dare they not pay you..and all thattalent they will be getting. Hope you got your chores done. I know it is no point saying Dh will do them! Have a good night and I know you will look beautiful without much effort.

Sue said...


Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Aaagh!! Have a good weekend :-)

abc said...

*love the point form format LOL
*how was the gig?
*Take 'Jack' away from HRH
*I haven't cleaned my house either - I hate that. HRH at my place also does 'Jack'....Jack is V Popular.
Not getting paid? :( Bummer
* got the house!!!!! Yay!!!

Nancy Bou said...

Have a great weekend!


Lesley said...

Hi Bri
You sound like you are feeling better. Hooray for the full approval on your loan. Welcome to the land of debt!!! Loved the word cloud - I have done one as well - reaaly cool. Hope the weekend goes well.

Kellee said...

AAGGHH!! RAGING MUSICAN AT LARGE! I can't STAND it when people don't pay you for gigs - just because you find it enjoyable, doesn't mean that it isn't WORK and that you haven't had to put in countless hours to get to the standard that you're at. Ggrr... hope you were able to have a good night anyway.

Tell Jack to bugger off and find another DH to annoy.

Hope you're feeling (and eating) well.