Monday, February 06, 2006

A big shock

I just got a big shock - I was reading through some of my early posts, you know from back when I started this blog - and I came across this one -

  • Tuesday, June 21, 2005
  • Uh oh
    We went on a chocolate run after lunch. No it doesn't involve exercise! hahaOh well, i'll start again tomorrow I guess. I really want to lose that 0.6 this week and I need to be at 75kg by the end of July (don't we Michelle??). I went out last night and filled the cupboards and freezer with healthy groceries for us, and WW meals for me to bring to work, i'm just off the rails today for some reason. I can't stop eating.TTOTM is nearly over so I can't use that as an excuse. Maybe its the cold weather??Hope everyone is having a better day than me!!On a brighter note I did buy a 1.5 l bottle of water to drink. What's that, have I opened it yet . . . . . no . . . . . D'oh!!

OK so that's 7 1/2 months ago and i'm still in exactly the same place that I was back then.

STILL wanting to get to (and past) 75kg

STILL struggling with my eating

STILL struggling with lack of sleep

STILL struggling with exercise and

STILL struggling with getting into a routine

If I had pulled my finger out back then (7 1/2 months ago) I would have been well past 75 kg by now and well into the 60's (as Michelle is). Why can't I do this? I want to, I need to, I have to goddamit - what's stopping me? Laziness? Lack of belief in myself? Am I scared of losing weight? I know that I want to lose the weight. I am always really happy with myself when I see a loss on the scales, not that i've seen one for a while.

I think i'll worry about the exercise for a while and not so much about the food. If I make healthy choices but don't worry about portion sizes too much or tracking and force myself to get into some sort of exercise routine maybe that will help. Exercise is the key for me. For some people it's learning to like vegetables. No problems there for me. For some people it's fruit, took me a while but i'm okay with this now. For me, it's exercise that is the key and if I can get myself into the habit of exercising every day I think i'll be okay.

I'm going to try this for two weeks and see how I go.

  • Treadmill first thing in the morning - increase distance every second day.
  • Weekdays walk to the mail box and walk to the bank - time myself and try and go faster every day.
  • Weekends AT LEAST one of the days I have to either walk around the Lake, go to the shops and walk around (good for rainy days) or do an exercise DVD on ONE day of the weekend only.

Edit: I checked my WW passport last night, i've actually been hovering around the mid to late 70's since MAY last year. Now i'm really disgusted with myself. I though I had probably lost at least 4 or 5 kilos since then. I could have done so much better. Now is the time to pull my finger out and take some action.... keep watching this space .....



michelle said...

I hate to say it Bri, but exercise "is the key" Come on don't be saying in July that you want to be under 75. Push hard now and get through that barrier. I know you can do it...........

Jules said...

Hey Bri

You have made a comment or two on my site but I haven't been able to get to yours to comment as when you click on your name it goes to the blogger profile page and there is no link to your blog.

So, I got tricky and asked Mary for it.
I really empathised with you on today's subject matter. I am feeling the same way at the moment. The desire is there, the intent is there but something in my subconcious mind just keeps making me put shit food in my mouth. I think it may link back to troubles I dealth with before I put all the weight on. Our subconcious is an extremely powerful thing. Get to the bottom of it and we may just unlock the key.

abc said...

I hear you, only for me it wasn';t 6 or 7 months, it was years of being in the same place. Good for you though, reading back like that - what a great source of information you created for yourself! and about exercise, that has and continues to be huge for me. I never got into sport at school as a kid. I never played netball, basketball, hockey..nothing. I only played what I had to during sport at publice school and I never got involved in any outside school or extra sport activities. So I have alwasy lead an inactive lifestyle, so its been big for me to get exercising. The good thing about exercising is that it naturally makes you be aware of portion size because after you slog it out on a treadmill or whatever, you really feel that if you eat a packet of chips or a huge steaks and chips or have a double helping of that yummy casserole, you will undo all that hard work. So I agree. Exercise is the key for many people for so many reasons.

Margaret said...

Hey Bri. It can be a bit of a shock when we look back at past entries, and past books and see how far we have come weight wise in that time period. BUT. You have come a long way in other areas and whilst they might not help you fit into that special pair of trousers they are no less spectacular.

You have raised a beautiful boy.
You have opened yourself up to a community and allowed yourself to get involved.
You have returned to singing.
You have made friends with people you did not even know before.

These things show a tremendous amount of courage and spirit and energy. Now that your gorgeous little one is a bit bigger there may be different ways to incorporate some extra movement into your day.

I have been home the last two days and have not been able to get to the gym. So I am about to get my trackies on and will drive to childcare to pickup the boys. Then instead of getting them straight away I am going to walk down the carpark ramps and up the stairs - for an hour!! (bet I only do 15 minutes LOL).

Give yourself some credit. Accept that yes you could have done better, but you didn't, and now you have the opportunity to create new habits so that next year when you look back you will see the changes that you wanted to make.

I believe in you Bri. You can do this. Start small and dream big. Or is that start big and dream small ;D

Have a great night gorgeous

Jadey said...

Thanks for your comment hun - Hopefully I will blog again today I've been doing well just busy and getting a new routine!
You really need to do some weights to kick you through. Muscle will help you burn fat faster and it take up less space.

Leighanne said...

I'm with M, it has not been a total waste of the last few months!

Keep up the exercise - and you will be looking fab in a another few months time:)

Mary said...

Yep, exercise is definitely the key or I'd have to go without all my favourite food! Find something you like doing and stick with it. Your plan sounds good and hey, I am going to cycle while The Biggest Loser is on. Can you put the treadmill near the tv too??

Sue said...

Okay, don't spend your energy on regret about the past, spend it on making sure your great plan works!

Kathryn said...

Briony, Briony, she's our man... if she can't do it, no one can *huge cheerleader jump*

Just think how much weight you could have put on in 7 1/2 months! You'll be under 75 in no time.

Anonymous said...

it took years of 'bad habits' to get your weight into the 90's. You have worked really hard and now you're in the mid 70's. That is a great achievement!! But changing a life time of habits can be sooooo hard. As Kathrynoh has said... if you weren't focussed on weightloss in the last year - you would have put on weight!! And as Michelle is a great example and inspiration - that shows how hard work, sweat & possibly tears will help you achieve your goals. Loads of exercise will get to your goals quicker. But moderate exercise and watching what you eat will achieve the same results... just a bit longer.
Don't beat yourself up Bri. Keep up the good work. You will achieve your goals.