Thursday, February 23, 2006


I went to the shops this morning. As usual I was feeling hungry. Story of my life lately. I didn't have anything in mind to buy, just went for a look really, figured pretty much that i'd come back with lollies of some kind (even though the wrath of Kellee was hanging over my head).

This is what I bought:

99% fat free cup-a-soups
Snakatas in individual packets (1.5 points each)
Lebanese bread
97% fat free ham and turkey

Where the hell is the junk I went to buy? I walked out of the shop without buying a single bad thing. Who am I and what have I done with the bad eater?

The funny thing is that this was completely by accident.

Maybe, just maybe I am changing for the better.

I have decided to give myself the week off walking, because i'm still sick and I need to get rid of this cold. Having a show on Friday night isn't going to help me either, late nights are the pits. Plus I didn't get my Nanna Nap yesterday afterall.

But ... (yes I know you shouldn't start a sentence with but, but..... ) as of Monday - I will be back on the treadmill and going full noise until I get those pesky scales to show me a number that is equal to or (even better) less than - 74.9.

I PROMISE YOU ALL (AND MYSELF). There - that means I have to stick to it now that i've promised.

Have a great day everyone,


Margaret said...

Being a Mum you tend to put off taking care of yourself until you have taken care of everyone else. This usually means you end up more sick. Good on you for making the decision to look after yourself by resting, and eating well. This will help you get your energy back and be back firing and ready to go on Monday.

I love those individual snakata packs. I find the box too easy to eat in one sitting yet with the bags I won't go and have two.

Hope you get some rest (wish I could join you) and have a lovely day :D

Mary said...

You said it babe, you ARE changing for the better! I love these revelations :-)

Kellee said...

Yes, the wrath of Kellee is certainly something to fear. I'm glad that you feared it enough to be a good girl. Although I refuse to take all of the credit... good for you.