Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A few good days

I have been sticking to my exercise "rules" for this week and i'm feeling really good. Even after last night's (most of a) bottle of wine I jumped out of bed at 5am and was keen to get started on the treadmill. I increased the distance today and even though I really wanted that final number to show on the little screen a lot sooner than it did, I continued on and I felt so good when I had finished.

I'm still sweating like an absolute pig by the time I am finished but that also makes me feel good because I know i've had a good workout. The scales are also being kind to me and i'm hoping that by next week i'll be showing a smallish loss and i'll be able to finally change my stats.

My eating hasn't been quite as out of control as it was last week but i'm still having a few things I shouldn't be (there are Jaffa Cakes in the fridge at work).

Hopefully by next week i'll be back on track and my weight will start it's downhill descent!!

Listening to my iPod this morning made me realise what strange and differing tastes I have in music. Today I heard Leonardo's Bride, Clare Bowditch, Elvis, Robbie Williams (of course), Joss Stone, Kanye West and the Arctic Monkeys!! Go figure.

Have a great day everyone.



michelle said...

tell me were you sweating the alcohol out?? Glad to hear you are motivated again.

Leighanne said...

Great job getting on the treadmill, after a night of wine -I would still be

Me said...

YAY for getting up and getting sweaty !!! Keep it up and you'll be in the 60's in no time.
Take care - Me

Kellee said...

I can help you argue that bottle of wine away by allowing you to claim that you were drinking some on my behalf, seeing as how I can't drink any at the moment. Aren't you a considerate friend?

You rock. I'm really pleased that you're getting on the wagon again - you'll feel so much better for it. I want you to be lighter than me by the end of this pregnancy please - and I don't intend to go up to you, you'll have to come down to me! You can do it! Go Bri! War cry to follow...

Margaret said...

That is fantastic Bri. Yaaaaay for treadmills. And yay that you got up after having the wine and didn't use that as an excuse. Well done to you. You are so going to kick major weight butt if you keep this up.

Hope you have a brilliant day tomorrow. :D

Mary said...

Great going Bri and diverse tastes are good. Keep up the good work and you'll be cheering a loss!