Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Relaxation, here I come.

This is Avoca Beach, where i'm going today. Damn I hope it looks this good when I get there!!

I'm off for a couple of days of relaxation, dump the kid with Grandma and Grandad and walk my little legs off on this gorgeous beach.

Ciao for now,



Suzy said...

What a beautiful place!

Have a lovely relaxing time.

michelle said...

Wish I was there with you..then we would really walk your legs off, not to mention a bit of talking. Have a wonderful time.

Mary said...

Gorgeous! I hope you have a really nice time :-)

Tina said...

Hope you have a lovely time, Bri! See you when you get back!

Mel. said...

Have a great time. I was near there last saturday and had a great time.

abc said...

oooo looks fabulous. I am so jealous. thinking of you xxx