Saturday, March 25, 2006

Last weekend in this house.

OMG This is the last weekend we'll be spending in this house. I cannot believe it. DH is at work (actually that's a good thing cos i'm just about ready to chop him into little pieces).

OK I was going to try and post a positive post today (there's a first time for everything right?) so i'll start again.

I can't believe we're finally moving next weekend. I feel like I should be packing and cleaning but ESD (Evil Step Daughter) is here and we're cooking brownies (I know - I know - but i'll try and only have ONE!!).

It is a gorgeous day and I was going to go walking, but now that i've realised that I only have these two days left to pack I think I better pull my finger out and actually do it.

How exciting.

The real estate that we rent this house from have put a HUGE "For Lease" sign out the front of our house so i'm expecting gawkers all weekend now. Another reason to start cleaning because people will probably start making appointments to look through soon. We have one booked in for Wednesday already.

The worst room I have to tackle is DH's toilet. We have two toilets in this house and one is MINE and the other is HIS. I don't go into his EVER, I direct men there when they are here but never women or children, they all use my toilet cos I know it's safe.

I have no idea how bad it will be, or what i'm in for. Maybe i'll be surprised but I doubt it. If you don't hear from me again, you know I didn't survive the experience!! It was nice knowing you all.

Have a great weekend everyone. Oh, almost forgot, anyone who has nothing to do next weekend is more than welcome to come and help us move. I'm sure you're all itching to assist!!

By the way, thanks to everyone who sent us positive vibes regarding all the crap that was going on, it definitely worked cos everything seems to be going okay now, at least I haven't heard otherwise!

Ciao for now,


Leighanne said...

Good luck with all the packing!!

We also have two toilets - hubby and the boys use the one upstairs, and I never go in...makes life so much

Mary said...

LOL, all I can say is good luck! It'll all be over soon enough and then you can seriously enjoy it all. It'll be fun setting up the new place :-) Brownies, mmm....

Mel. said...


Good luck with all of the packing and whilst I'd love to drive up and help you out I've got lots to do myself before I fly to Melbourne for the F1 Grand Prix.

And as much as I'd love to help you move have to go and see cars racing around a track and smell burning rubber.

I'll send you good vibes and hope all goes well.

Jadey said...

HOw exciting!!! OMG I love moving it's a chnace to find the things you lost! LOL No seriously I love the fresh start. Make sure you are decisive with the clutter!

What's been the decision for the kitchen?

I dont remember hearing about ESD what's the go there?

michelle said...

Excitement plus, wish I could come there but just can't find the time for the trip.......or a valid excuse for Ebs. Enjoy the excitemnet of it all Bri. All that worrying and it is finally going to happen. I really do wish I could be there but I know that next time I visit you will enjoy showing me your new home. Has to look better than last time I saw it with that beautiful bedroom suite the lady had.....or....did you make an offer to buy it as well as the house??

abc said...

hAHAHA! I just read the post before this...I'm still laughing...chocolate makes your clothes shrink...that is gorgeous! hehehe Happy packing Beautiful Bris. Its alot of work but wow, you are moving into your own new home. Soon you will be settled there and ...'nesting' like everywoman deserves to. Sending you smooth move vibes, Rainbow xx

Kathryn said...

Happy packing. I'd be saying - it's your toilet, you clean it.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, she probably thinks of you as WoaSM (Wench of a Step-mother).