Friday, March 03, 2006


I was thinking today about tactics and how I can stop myself eating crap.

I have heard of this method, which i'm going to share with you, and i'm also going to try this myself. I knew someone who once attended AA (no it wasn't me!!).

The method they use when they want/need a drink is that if they can just hold off until tomorrow, they will then get roaring drunk. Then by the time tomorrow comes, they have some of their strength back and don't need a drink (hopefully).

I'm going to try this with food and when I feel like eating something bad, I will tell myself I can have a double helping if I hold off til the next day. Hopefully by the time I wake up the next day, my strength will have regrouped and i'll be okay. I will keep you posted on how this goes, if you're interested.

I'm going to do a serious grocery run tomorrow so that we have good food in the house. The trouble when I don't plan the meals and do the shopping is that DH goes shopping on the way home from work and we end up with crap and there's no planning involved in crap is there?

I'm on leave next week (at home packing and cleaning and looking after DS before he starts at his new daycare the week after). Feel free to email me there (for those of you who have my home email address). I don't have access to work emails at home anymore. If you don't have my home email you can try my hotmail address, which you can find on my profile.

I'm hoping to go for a walk everyday with DS and keep my step count up. It's been raining here all week so hopefully next week will be better. Then on Wednesday DS and I are going to spend a couple of days at Avoca with my father and his family, which should be okay cos my favourite sister will be there. Just as long as my father and I can get on alright for the 36 hours i'm there everything will be fine and dandy.

Wish us luck!!!!!



Me said...

Great idea - good luck and am looking forward to seeing if this is a successful tactic.
Have a great week off even though you will be busy packing and sorting out - sorry I can't pop over and help !!
Take care and go safely when you are travelling.

Kellee said...

36 hours getting on with your Dad... scheesh! Well, maybe you can reward yourself if you get on with him by eating double the next day and getting rolling drunk. Now THAT'S incentive.

Have fun away.

Leighanne said...

Your AA tactic sounds like a good idea - I will try this one too!!
I will be interested in how you go with it:)

Tina said...

I don't think I could spend 36 hours with my dayd...that would be just torture, we clash something bad!

Your AA tactic sounds like a good idea...may have to file that one for future binges to avoid.

Hope you're having a good weekend hun...take care!

abc said...

Happy packing Bri! I wish you well with your newfound tactic...The other day I was on a mission to have chocolate when you talked me out of it. But I was set on having chocolate. Your words made me stop and think...and think again. and before I knew it I didn't have chocolate and the feeling for it passed. So just getting through that feeling of 'need' is the first step. On that basis, your strategy could work really long as your body doesn;t wake up the next day and say "Ok Baby bring it on!" LOL

Mary said...

Yep, that AA tactic sounds like a good one. Good luck with the family and enjoy your week :-)