Friday, December 16, 2005

Nearly there.

Well, you'll all be pleased to know that i'm nearly finished my shopping. I got my brother and his wife to mind DS last night for an hour and a half (yep, that's all it took) while DH and I went and did as much of the shopping as we could. It's ESDs birthday on Sunday so we had to get those things as well. I even bought DS and myself a few "unlisted" items (oops!). Typical me.

I just have to get a couple of vouchers, a card for DH's brother and three gifts for kids of my girlfriends. Bonus!! It wasn't as bad as I thought. Mind you there were plenty of people out and i'm glad we didn't need any longer cos DH was getting Christmas Cranky!! He also has a bad knee and he kept saying "stop running". Now in the old days I used to struggle to keep up with him cos he's a rocket when it comes to walking, but I wasn't even walking very fast and he still couldn't keep up. I reckon if he hadn't come with me I would have done the shopping in about half an hour. Well, either that or I would have bought more stuff for DS and myself!! LOL.

I'm glad it's Friday though. I'm going home to write out our Christmas cards tonight (75 of them!!) and then post them tomorrow so that they hopefully get to everyone by Christmas Day. Fingers crossed. I could deliver some of them, but I think people like getting cards in the mail, plus we do a Christmas letter each year to update people we don't see too often on what's been happening.

Anyway, loads to do so i'm off to do some work and I shall catch up with all of your blogs soon. I know a lot of bloggers have already signed off for the year but i'll be around for a while yet.

Have a great weekend everyone,


Tina said...

Good on you Bri...I still got some to do but I am a little less stressed now...LOL

Kathryn said...

Well done. And go you on the fast walking - who has time to waste :)

philippa_moore said...

Well done on getting nearly everything done Bri - it's a great feeling isn't it? I got my act together and posted all our cards yesterday!

The copyright thing I have on my blog was just inserted into the bottom of the template section on my blog which says "If you'd like to include footer information, insert it here" - just get rid of that and type what you want to say.

If I don't "talk" to you again before I go, Merry Christmas!!