Saturday, December 17, 2005

Saturdays are great!

My aims for the end of this week were as follows:

1. Buy the Christmas presents - done except for the daycare girls who look after DS - not sure what to get them yet.

2. Write out the Christmas cards - done - it took me four hours this morning, I had 75 cards to write and send. It's old fashioned I know, but I love receiving cards in the mail and it's just my thing that I do every year.

3. Wrap the Christmas presents - done.

4. Write a shopping list for Christmas Day - not done yet.

5. Update my goals on the Ozgeek forum - done.

6. Tidy up the loungeroom and sort out DS's toys - not done yet, but i've just put him to bed so I should go and do that now while he's asleep.

I really need an early night tonight, had a late one last night with friends who came over for a BBQ and we played Buzz (PS2 game) until well after midnight.

Also have a lot on tomorrow, cleaning and doing other household chores, so I should try and get an early night so i'm fired up for tomorrow, DH always has Saturdays off so I got a bit more done today than I would normally, but also probably a bit less as I was feeling rather seedy this morning. Too many "chateau de cardboards" last night! hehe

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!



Kellee said...

Howdy - wow, you have been busy! Go you for getting most of your Xmas goals sorted. Damn you and your alcoholic ways... I keep hearing about you drinking and getting jealous. Ah well, I suppose as long as you have one for me it's ok.

Glad to hear you dropped the extra kilos, too. Hope they stay away forever and don't creep back on over Christmas!

I LOVE your photos. Lachlan is sooooo cute. I wish we lived closer - I bet he and Charlie would be great mates. They both have that cheeky "I can do whatever I want" look in their eyes...

Sorry I haven't been able to check up on you lately - I haven't even been able to update my own blog yet! - but I'll try to more regularly this week. Glad to hear you're doing well despite the recent sadness.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

LOL at chateau de cardboard - we call this "Cardonnay".

I cannot BELIEVE how many christmas cards you write!!! I do less than half that, and even that is a bit of a chore!! You must be a great keep-in-touch-erer :-)