Friday, December 09, 2005

My Christmas Tree

My Christmas Tree, which, I might add, DS has already pulled over on himself TWICE and it had only been up half an hour!

Glad I didn't put the lights on now. Good idea Bri!!

We may have to take it down tomorrow if he keeps pulling it over. (Yes, that is a piece of string "trying" to hold it up!) LOL. It didn't work, obviously.

I went for the 'bare' look this year. No lights, and no tinsel for DS to pull off, but he still managed to pull it over.


Leighanne said...

lol... i remember when my boys used to pull the tree over :)

Tina said...

I thought my tree was now safe from my children but now my furbaby Oscar thinks he is loowed to climb it...LOL

Tina said...

ugh! I can't type! That should read "allowed" LOL