Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A new day? NOT!!

Well i'm not doing so well today. I had KFC for lunch and now i'm eating leftover pizza for dinner. I have cupboards and fridges full of healthy stuff but i'm sleep deprived (thanks to a teething small person) and I just couldn't be bothered.

I really need to get remotivated or i'm not going to get to 75kg by the end of July, which I thought at the time I made that promise to myself would be easy. In the last month i've gone backwards and I could have been at 75kg by now if I hadn't lost the plot.

Ho hum, don't want to get mad at myself cos then i'll eat more crap and i'm trying to do the opposite. On a brighter note I finally opened that bottle of water I bought and I drank about half of it at work today.

Maybe tomorrow will be better? Let's keep our fingers crossed for that.


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