Sunday, June 19, 2005

Lazy Lazy Sunday

Couldn't be bothered doing anything today. I feel soooooooooooo lazy. My body is just so run down. Working full time and going out on Friday night has taken all my energy away. Plus I was out yesterday from midday til about 7pm last night (yes, more drinking! D'oh.)

I have to do about 300 loads of washing and at least make the house look tidy. I guess, as it's already past lunchtime, I better go and start and i'll write more later.

Hope everyone's having a nice weekend (even though the weather is crap).


1 comment:

michelle said...

Glad to see you got your mood sidebar to work. Lazy is going around. Somehow I have done very little housework today and the day is nearly over. Now Ihave to do some work for work so I guess house can stay dirty!