Sunday, May 07, 2006

Goodbye Old Friend

This week I have done a few things that i'm proud of:

1. The jogging

I seriously thought I would be lucky to jog half a lap of the dam near work. It felt strange to jog. I'm not a very sporty person (no surprises there!!) and my feet felt very strange. It was as if I was running on needles, the pain in my feet was just stupid, I guess my body isn't used to it. I am so jealous of people who can run and I really want to be able to do it, and easily do it, and enjoy doing it, so I will persist. I ended up jogging one whole lap (I wanted to give up after about a quarter, but I kept pushing myself) and it felt good. Then I did another half lap later on. All in all we did 6 laps of the dam (1.5 running, 4.5 walking). Unfortunately our bubble was burst for the rest of the week as there were workmen doing some concreting near the dam and there was just no way we were going down there.

2. The housework

Yesterday I did all of the housework, and I even folded all the clothes and put them away, so that today I could just relax with DS, normally I stuff around and end up only doing half and then having to do the rest on Sunday, but today is my rest day.

3. The shed

Oh, isn't it awful when you move and you have boxes you haven't unpacked and they call to you all the time. There's still things you can't find and you have no idea where they are. Well yesterday I sorted all of that out. I didn't empty all the boxes (don't get too excited) but I do now know where everything is and it's a lot tidier out there.

4. The lunch

DH wanted fish and chips for lunch yesterday, and as tempting as that sounded, and even though I didn't completely resist, I had a hamburger (plain) and only about 2 chips. I made him throw the rest of the chips out as soon as he was finished so that I wasn't tempted.

5. The weight loss thing

When I started this journey in January 2005 I was close to 100kg in weight. I'm not sure of my exact weight because I didn't weigh myself. The scales were not my friend. I was lethargic, slow, fat, I used to ache all over from doing nothing, my thighs were so huge I had to wear pants all of the time because they were rubbing together and I could hardly hold my arms down straight at my sides because of my bulging waist line. I was eating junk constantly and not much fun to be with. On Christmas Day 2004 I decided that i'd had enough, I didn't want to be that heavy or that lethargic ever again.

Last year I lost somewhere in the vicinity of 20 kilos, officially I lost 18 but as i'm not sure of my starting weight I know it is actually more than that. I could have done so much better, but it's not just about what the scale says, it's also about changing your lifestyle and boy have I done that in a big way. I've gone from sitting on the lounge 24/7 trying to breastfeed to working at home, working part time in the office and part time at home, and now managing the office full time and we've bought our own house. There has been a lot going on.

Now that we're settled, back into routine and fairly predictable - it's time to get back to looking after me and sorting myself out. I have started a new blog for my new journey starting next Saturday. I am going back to Weight Watchers. I haven't decided yet wether i'll do points or no count, i'll wait and see what the leader says. So my new blog starts next week with my new weight loss journey and hopefully the new me!! So it's goodbye from me and hello to the new thinner, healthier me.

Wish me luck.



Jules said...

I can relate on so many levels. The shed, mine is a garage. A huge double garage. We have been moved for just over 2 months and i still haven't attacked the mountain of crap. Had all intentions of having a garage sale but never got around to it. Need to do it. You may just have inspired me to have a go. I have been contemplating a new blog. I have stagnated on the old one and it seems to hold too much baggage. You may just have inspired me to do that too!!

Mel. said...

Boy you have been busy within the last week. It makes me tired just reading what you've been up to.
Congratulations on your jogging around the dam, that's a fantastic effort. I'm sure you will all get back to jogging and walking when the workmen have gone.
Keep up the great work

Kathryn said...

Great effort and what a legend with the jogging.

I'm hopeless at unpacking... I still have unpacked boxes from about 3 moves ago!

abc said...

Beautiful Bri, on CK someone posted info on how to get into jogging. I posted it all on my blog but it was a few months ago now. So you can look on the archives or try a search on CK for it. If I find it I'll forward to you the link.

Suzy said...

Congratulations, you have achieved so much.
Looking forward to checking out your new blog.

Mary said...

1. Fantastic! All runners had to start from the beginning as well at some point so good going and keep going :-)

2. Can you come and do my place now LOL. It's such a great feeling to have the house in order.

3. Hehe, we still have things in boxes because we seem to move every year or so! So have you become a chucker? We don't keep anything now we don't use.

4. Good going with the eating! Chips can be so damn hard to refuse.

5. Well done babe, what an achievement thus far and I am sure you will continue to succeed. We all have hurdles along the way but the idea is to keep going and you are a great example. YAY for some routine back as well.

Have a great week babe! I look forward to rading your new blog also :-)

Anonymous said...

Good on you for jogging. It takes time to build up... jog/walk/jog/walk. Then one day you jog a marathon! Take deep breaths as you run!
Good on you for returning to WW. I'll be watching your new blog (but I can't leave a message as I'm not a blogspot member). You've done so well with your weight loss... so I'm sure you will achieve your goals! Hopefully I'll be about 10kg thinner when baby pops out in 4 weeks... although I've put on 20kg+ with this pregnancy. Hope you are good Bri.

Kellee said...

Hey hey... go your new blog! I reckon a whole new start is what you need. And I will be joining you on WW in a few weeks, so we'll be able to keep each other accountable. I know you can do it! Go you!